Mercer Island Plus Renton Bike Ride

Just back from a short trip to Victoria the evening before, Kim and I set out to regain our bicycle legs, but not overdo it.  So we tackled scenic and awesome Mercer Island loop, crossing the northern part of the island and looping in a clockwise direction, and then, after a short respite at the Starbucks at the northern end of the island, headed east across the rest of Lake Washington and then turned south towards Renton.  Just before the airport, we took an easy stretch along the Cedar River to it’s mouth at the south end of Lake Washington, refilled our water bottles and ate some energy bars, and then headed north.  And, yay!  A tailwind heading north from the airport.  Of course, we had to suffer earlier…

The coolest part about the Mercer Island bit is riding close to 12 miles with no traffic controls.  Clockwise, there is a shoulder about 80% of the time, which makes it easier for the occasional car to get past.

Preserved for posterity:  our ride track and elevation profile.